8 Best Drag and Drop WordPress Page Builder to Try in 2023

As you know, WordPress is a content management system that allows anyone to create solid and professional websites in minutes. The most amazing feature of WordPress that allows website owners to do so is its drag-and-drop page builders. 

The drag-and-drop WordPress page builders make it easy to edit, create and publish pages without making you type a single line of code. There are various page builders offered by WordPress and choosing one among them is a difficult task. 

Hence, to help you choose the best drag-and-drop page builder for your website, we have brought the top 8 WordPress drag-and-drop page builders for you. So, stay tuned and read this blog till the end. 

Why you Should Use a Page Builder?

Before heading to the best WordPress drag-and-drop page builders, let’s take a look at the reasons to use a WordPress page builder for your website. 

One of the most prominent reasons behind using a page builder is its ease of access and user-friendly nature. To use a page builder you don’t need to be tech-savvy or a coding expert. All you need to do is arrange and move the content by simply dragging and dropping it. 

With a drag-and-drop WordPress page builder you can create an eye-catching layout and landing pages for your website on your own without spending a single penny on web developers or designers. 

It might seem that page builder are only meant for beginners and not for web developers or designers. Well, in reality, the page builder helps developers and designers to speed up the process of website creation and design. 

Due to their ease of access, budget and user-friendly nature you should consider using page builders instead of paying a lot of money to web designers or developers. 

Top 8 WordPress Drag and Drop Page Builders 

Now that we’ve looked at the benefits of using drag-and-drop page builders, let’s dive into the top 8 WordPress drag-and-drop page builders.


Beaver is one of the most user-friendly WordPress page builders that allow website owners to create custom pages without hassle. With various powerful features and a sleek, intuitive interface, the beaver page builder makes it easy to design your website. 

Beaver Page Builder comes up with an extensive library of pre-built templates, modules, and widgets. These pre-built elements allow its users to create custom pages without needing any design or coding skills. In addition, Beaver Builder also offers a front-end editing interface, which lets users see the changes made by them to their designs in real-time.

Beaver page builder’s drag-and-drop functionality is another great feature. It can allow you to quickly add, move, or delete elements on the page, making it easy to create unique layouts and designs. Plus, its codeless design makes it easy to create beautiful web pages even if you are a beginner. 


Brizzy Page Builder is a drag-and-drop website-building tool that can allow you to create stunning, professional-looking websites without the need for any coding knowledge. With its easy-to-use interface and a vast selection of pre-designed templates, Brizzy Page Builder is an ideal solution for businesses and individuals who want to create a beautiful website quickly and efficiently.

The tool offers a wide range of customization options, including a variety of fonts, colours, and layouts, allowing you to change the appearance of your website depending on your specific needs and branding requirements.

Brizzy Page Builder also comes with a built-in library of widgets and modules, such as image galleries, forms, social media integration, and more, making it easy to add advanced features to your website.

The unique feature of Brizzy Page Builder is its responsive design, ensuring that your website looks great and functions perfectly on all devices, from desktops to smartphones. This is particularly important in today’s world, where more and more people are accessing the internet on their mobile devices.


Elementor is a popular drag-and-drop page builder plugin for WordPress that allows users to create custom page layouts without needing to know how to code. It works with any WordPress theme, including Elementor WordPress themes.

Elementor provides a variety of templates that you can choose from to get started. Once you’ve picked a template, you can easily customize it to fit your needs. The free version of elementor page builder offers more than 90 widgets and 300 pre-made templates to make your designing journey a lot easier. 

You can also change the colors, fonts, and layout, and add widgets like contact forms or social media buttons. In addition, its live preview feature lets you see changes in real-time. This means you can experiment with different design elements and see how your website will look as you make changes.

Elementor is a great choice for people who want to create a website quickly and easily, without the need for any coding knowledge. It’s perfect for small business owners, bloggers, or anyone who wants a professional-looking website without spending a lot of time or money.

With its maintenance mode, you can create “coming soon” and maintenance pages to keep your website visitors updated. The multilingual support of this page builder ensures that language doesn’t become a barrier to the reach of your website. 

If you are looking forward to creating a professional website in a few minutes then you should consider sticking to the elementor drag-and-drop page builder. 


SeedProd is a powerful page builder that allows users to create custom landing pages, coming soon pages, and maintenance mode pages for their WordPress websites. With SeedProd, you can easily design and publish stunning pages without any coding knowledge.

Its drag-and-drop interface can allow you to quickly and easily add and arrange different elements on your pages. You can choose from a wide variety of pre-built blocks and templates or can create your custom designs from scratch.

Another key feature of SeedProd is its extensive customization options. Seedprod page builder comes up with a wide range of fonts, colours, and backgrounds to help you make your site’s pages truly unique. In addition, you can also add custom images, videos, and animations to make the pages stand out.

SeedProd also offers a range of advanced features to help users optimize their pages for conversion. These include countdown timers, opt-in forms, social sharing buttons, and more. You can also integrate pages with popular email marketing services like Mailchimp and Aweber to capture leads and build their email lists.

In addition to its powerful design and optimization features, this page builder also has seamless integration with WordPress. This means that users can easily publish their pages to their WordPress site and manage them from the WordPress dashboard. SeedProd also offers extensive support and documentation to help users get the most out of the platform.

Overall, SeedProd is a powerful and user-friendly page builder that offers a wide range of features and customization options. Whether you’re a blogger, marketer, or business owner, SeedProd can help you create stunning pages that drive conversions and grow your audience.


The Divi Supreme Page Builder is a powerful tool designed to help website owners to create beautiful and functional websites without any hassle. It is built with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and is packed with useful features.  

The supreme page builder comes up with customizable templates, blocks, and widgets that allow you to create unique layouts and add interactive elements to your site’s pages.

Being a drag-and-drop page builder, it lets you easily create and customize web pages by dragging and dropping elements onto the page. With its flexible grid system, you can also create custom layouts for your website’s pages. 

Another unique aspect of the Supreme Page Builder is its library of pre-designed blocks. These are professionally designed templates that can be easily added to a page with a single click. Blocks can be used for a variety of purposes, such as displaying your products, showcasing testimonials, creating a team member section, and more. Each block is fully customizable, so you can customize and give a personalized look to them. 

The Supreme Page Builder is optimized for speed and performance. Its lightweight code and fast-loading pages ensure that your website will load quickly and perform well, which is critical for keeping visitors engaged and reducing bounce rates. 

Overall, the Supreme Page Builder is an excellent choice for anyone looking to create a professional-looking website quickly and easily. 


Themify is a versatile and easy-to-use WordPress page builder. It has a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create professional and eye-catching website designs without any prior knowledge of coding. 

The themify page builder is compatible with multiple WordPress themes and third-party plugins. In addition, it comes up with 40+ web page designs which include fashion blogs, profile web pages, education websites etc. 

The unique feature of the themify page builder is its undo-and-redo option. It allows you to toggle between the changes you have made to a particular page. Another unique aspect of the Themify Page Builder is its built-in animations and effects.

With the themify page builder, you can easily add animations to different elements on your web pages, such as text, images, and buttons, to create a more engaging and interactive user experience.

So, if you are a newbie to the website designing world and looking forward to creating a professional-looking website, then consider going for the themify page builder. 


Thrive is another great WordPress page builder that is built to make the process of website designing easy for website owners. It primarily focuses on business websites and hence it is packed with elements that can enhance the look of your business website. 

Those elements include lead generation forms, testimonials and countdown timers and it is also integrated with various E-mail marketing tools. The thrive page-builder provides you with three options while creating a page such as normal, completely blank or blank with a header and footer. 

These layouts allow you to create different kinds of pages such as service pages and landing pages effectively from scratch. In addition, it also offers over 270 pre-made page templates that you can easily customize and use for your site’s pages. 

The thrive, page builder, also offers conversion-focused blocks such as content boxes, client testimonials and call-to-action buttons. These blocks can help you drive more sales and increase the conversion rates of your business. 

So, if you are looking for a business website-focused page builder to create a professional and retina-ready website for your business, then you can consider using the thrive WordPress page builder. 

Visual Composer

The visual composer is a drag-and-drop page builder plugin that can simplify the process of website designing for you. With its, drag-and-drop feature you can just easily create service or landing pages without typing a single line of code. 

It also comes up with various backgrounds and animations that you can implement on your website. The visual composer page builder is compatible with various social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. 

This page builder lets you create responsive designs and webpages so, they can appear effectively on your website visitor’s screen irrespective of the device they are using. In addition, the visual composer is optimized for great performance and speed. It will ensure consistent performance and great reach on the web for your website. 

So, if you are looking for a feature-rich page builder, then you can consider sticking to the visual composer page builder. 


WordPress drag-and-drop page builders offer a range of benefits to website owners and designers, including ease of use, speed, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. In this article, we’ve explored the top 8 WordPress drag-and-drop page builders.

We also looked at the key factors to look for in a page builder. With the help of that, I’m sure you will be able to find the best drag-and-drop page builder for you. So, what are you waiting for buddy? Go and grab the best page builder to start your website design journey.

Benefits of Using a WordPress Page Builder 

Drag-and-drop page builders offer a range of benefits to website owners and designers. Here are some of the main advantages of using a  page on your WordPress website. 

Ease of use

Drag-and-drop page builders are incredibly easy to use, even for those with no coding or design experience. You can simply drag and drop elements onto your web page to create the layout you want.


With page builders, you can create stunning web pages in less time than it would take to code them from scratch. This means you can launch your website faster and start attracting visitors sooner.


Page builders offer a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to create custom layouts and designs that match your brand and style.


Using a drag-and-drop page builder can be much more cost-effective than hiring a web designer or developer. You can create your website yourself and save money on design and development costs.


Many page builders are designed to be SEO-friendly, with built-in features that make it easy to optimize your website for search engines.

After taking a look at the benefits of WordPress drag-and-drop page builders, I’m sure you must be eager to know more about their features and functionalities. So, without wasting further ado let’s deep dive into the top 8 WordPress drag-and-drop page builders. 

Key Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Page Builder?

Choosing the right drag-and-drop page builder can be a challenge, as each tool offers its own unique set of features and benefits. However, there are a few key factors to consider when choosing a page builder:

Ease of use

Look for a page builder that is easy to use and doesn’t require any coding or design experience. In that way, you will be able to design your website and its pages effectively without putting much effort.


Consider the features that are most important for the visibility and growth of your website, such as mobile optimization, WooCommerce integration, or pre-built templates. Don’t use a page builder if it doesn’t provide these basic yet important features. 


Choose a page builder that suits your budget and pockets. Don’t go for a page builder that can drain your pockets and can’t give you legit results in return. 


Although page builders are user-friendly tools but you might encounter an issue while using them. Hence to deal with such situations, make sure you choose a page builder that offers great customer support and documentation.


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