How to Add WooCommerce Product Filters on Your Ecommerce Store

Are you tired of customers getting lost in the vast sea of products on your WooCommerce-powered ecommerce store? You're not alone. As an online business owner, one of your primary goals is to make the shopping experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible for your customers. This is where WooCommerce product filters can help.

In today's digital marketplace, consumers expect to find what they're looking for quickly and easily. Product filters are the solution to this problem, allowing shoppers to narrow down their search based on specific criteria such as price, color, size, brand, and more. Adding product filters to your WooCommerce store can improve the user experience, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost sales.

But how exactly do you add product filters to your WooCommerce store? Fear not, because we've got you covered. In this blog, we'll walk you through the process step by step, from choosing the right plugin to configuring and customizing your filters to suit your unique business needs. Let's get started and enhance your online shopping experience!

What exactly WooCommerce Product Filters do?

WooCommerce product filters are powerful tools that enhance the shopping experience on your ecommerce store by allowing customers to narrow down their search results based on specific criteria. These filters act as dynamic and interactive elements on your website, enabling users to sort through your product catalog with ease. Instead of scrolling through pages of products, customers can quickly find exactly what they are looking for by selecting filter options such as price range, color, size, brand, category, rating, and more. For instance, a customer looking for a red dress in a size medium can simply select these attributes in the filters, instantly refining the product display to match their preferences.

These filters work in real-time, meaning the product listings adjust immediately as filters are applied, providing an efficient and user-friendly experience. They can be customized to fit the specific needs of your store, ensuring that the filtering options available align with the types of products you offer. By simplifying the navigation process, WooCommerce product filters make shopping more intuitive and less time-consuming for your customers, enhancing their overall experience on your site.

The Benefits of WooCommerce Product Filters

Adding WooCommerce product filters to your store offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly impact your ecommerce success:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Product filters make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for without having to sift through irrelevant items. This streamlined shopping experience can lead to higher customer satisfaction of user experience and increased loyalty.
  • Increased Sales and Conversions: When customers can quickly and easily locate the products they want, they are more likely to make a purchase. Product filters reduce the friction in the shopping process, potentially leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Reduced Bounce Rates: A well-organized filtering system can keep customers engaged on your site longer. By providing a more targeted search capability, customers are less likely to leave out of frustration from not finding what they need.
  • Better Inventory Management: Product filters can help highlight specific products, such as new arrivals, bestsellers, or items on sale. This can aid in managing inventory by drawing attention to particular categories or items that you want to promote.
  • Insightful Analytics: By analyzing the filter options that customers use most frequently, you can gain valuable insights into customer preferences and trends. This data can inform your inventory decisions, marketing strategies, and overall business planning.
  • Customization and Branding: WooCommerce product filters can be tailored to match the look and feel of your store, maintaining consistency with your branding. This seamless integration enhances the professional appearance of your ecommerce site.

Incorporating WooCommerce product filters not only improves the shopping experience but also provides you with the tools to better manage your store and understand your customers. Whether you run a small boutique or a large online retailer, product filters are an essential feature that can help you stand out in the competitive ecommerce landscape.

Methods of Adding WooCommerce Product Filters

Adding product filters to your WooCommerce store is essential for enhancing customer experience and boosting sales. There are three primary methods to add these filters: using premium ecommerce themes with built-in filters, utilizing WooCommerce product filter plugins, and custom coding for unique filtering requirements. Each method has its own set of steps and considerations. Let's delve into the detailed process for each method.

Method 1: Using Premium Ecommerce Themes with Built-in WooCommerce Product Filters

Premium ecommerce themes that come with built-in WooCommerce product filters offer a convenient and hassle-free way to add this functionality to your online store. These themes are specifically designed to optimize the ecommerce experience and often include a variety of customization options to suit your needs. One such provider of premium ecommerce themes is WP Elemento, offering a plethora of themes with WooCommerce product filters integrated directly into the shop page. Moreover, these themes are optimized for Elementor Woocommerce builder plugin for WordPress, providing additional flexibility in design customization.

Themes with WooCommerce Product Filters:

WP Elemento offers a diverse range of premium ecommerce themes, each tailored to different niches and industries. Some popular themes include:

  • Shoes Store WordPress Theme: Ideal for footwear retailers, this theme features sleek designs and intuitive product filtering options tailored specifically for shoe shopping.
  • RC Drone WordPress Theme: Designed for drone enthusiasts and hobbyists, this theme includes advanced filtering capabilities to help customers find the perfect drone based on specifications such as size, camera quality, and flight time.
  • Fashion Shop WordPress Theme: Catering to fashion retailers, this theme boasts elegant layouts and sophisticated product filters for browsing clothing, accessories, and more.
  • Fast Food Delivery WordPress Theme: Perfect for restaurants and food delivery services, this theme offers intuitive filtering options to help customers quickly locate their favorite dishes based on cuisine type, dietary restrictions, and more.
Benefits of Using Premium Ecommerce Themes with Built-in Filters:
  • Easy Setup: With pre-built product filters integrated into the theme, setup is quick and straightforward, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your online store.
  • Seamless Integration: Since the filters are part of the theme design, they seamlessly blend with the overall aesthetic of your website, providing a cohesive user experience.
  • Optimized Performance: Premium themes are often optimized for speed and performance, ensuring that your ecommerce store loads quickly and efficiently, even with filtering options enabled.
  • Reliable Support: WP Elemento provides dedicated support for their themes, ensuring that any issues or questions you encounter are promptly addressed by their team of experts.

In summary, opting for premium ecommerce themes with built-in WooCommerce product filters offers a convenient solution for adding this functionality to your online store. With a wide selection of themes available from WP Elemento, you can find the perfect design to showcase your Woocommerce related products and enhance the shopping experience for your customers.

Method 2: Using WooCommerce Product Filter Plugins

If you're using a theme that doesn't include built-in product filters or if you prefer more flexibility and control over the filtering options, you can add WooCommerce product filters to your store using dedicated plugins. These plugins offer a wide range of features and customization options, allowing you to tailor the filtering experience to meet your specific requirements. Below are detailed steps on how to add WooCommerce product filters using plugins:

Steps to Add WooCommerce Product Filters Using Plugins:

  • Choose a WooCommerce Product Filter Plugin: There are several plugins available in the WordPress plugin repository and from third-party developers. Some popular options include "WooCommerce Product Filter" by, "YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter" by YITH, and "Product Filters for WooCommerce" by BeRocket.
  • Install and Activate the Plugin: From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click on "Add New." Search for your chosen WooCommerce product filter plugin, install it, and then activate it.
  • Configure Plugin Settings: Once activated, you'll typically find WordPress settings for the plugin either in a new menu item or within the WooCommerce settings. Configure the plugin according to your preferences, including filter layout, styling options, and filter criteria.
  • Add Filters to Shop Page: Depending on the plugin you're using, you can usually add filters to the shop page by inserting a shortcode or using a widget. Add the shortcode provided by the plugin or drag and drop the filter widget to the page on which you wish to display the filters (usually the shop page).
  • Customize Filter Options: Most WooCommerce product filter plugins offer extensive customization options, allowing you to define filter criteria such as categories, attributes, tags, price ranges, and more. Adjust these settings to align with your product catalog and customer preferences.
  • Test and Refine: Once you've added and configured the filters, thoroughly test them to ensure they function as expected. Make any necessary adjustments based on user feedback or testing results to optimize the filtering experience for your customers.

Benefits of Using WooCommerce Product Filter Plugins:

  • Flexibility and Customization: Plugins offer a wide range of customization options, allowing you to tailor the filtering experience to match your unique requirements and branding.
  • Compatibility: WooCommerce product filter plugins are designed to seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce, ensuring compatibility with your ecommerce platform and other plugins.
  • Advanced Features: Many plugins offer advanced features such as AJAX filtering, multi-select options, range sliders, and more, enhancing the user experience and functionality of your filters.
  • Regular Updates and Support: Reputable plugin developers provide regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions, as well as dedicated support to assist with any issues or questions you may encounter.

By following these steps and leveraging the capabilities of WooCommerce product filter plugins, you can enhance the browsing experience on your ecommerce store and empower customers to find products more efficiently.

Method 3: Custom Coding for Unique Filtering Requirements

For ecommerce stores with unique filtering requirements that cannot be met by themes or plugins alone, custom coding offers a tailored solution. This approach allows you to implement specific filtering functionalities that align with your business needs and provide a truly customized user experience. Below are detailed steps on how to implement custom filtering using code:

Steps for Custom Coding WooCommerce Product Filters:

  • Identify Filtering Requirements: Begin by identifying the specific filtering criteria and functionalities required for your ecommerce store. This may include custom attributes, taxonomies, or complex filtering logic based on your product catalog and customer preferences.
  • Create Custom Taxonomies or Attributes: If your filtering requirements involve custom attributes or taxonomies that are not already included in WooCommerce, you'll need to create them. This can be done using custom code in your theme's functions.php file or by using a plugin such as "Custom Post Type UI" or "Advanced Woocommerce Custom Fields with custom post type plugins."

// Example of registering a custom taxonomy for product filtering

function custom_taxonomy_for_filters() {

    $args = array(

        'hierarchical' => true,

        'labels' => array(

            'name' => __( 'Custom Taxonomy', 'text-domain' ),

            'singular_name' => __( 'Custom Taxonomy', 'text-domain' ),


        'public' => true,

        'show_ui' => true,

        'show_admin_column' => true,

        'query_var' => true,

        'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'custom-taxonomy' ),


    register_taxonomy( 'custom_taxonomy', array( 'product' ), $args );


add_action( 'init', 'custom_taxonomy_for_filters' );

  • Implement Filtering Logic: Once you've defined your filtering criteria, you'll need to implement the logic for filtering products based on user selections. This typically involves modifying the product query to include filtering parameters based on user input.

// Example of modifying the product query to include filtering parameters

function custom_product_filtering( $query ) {

    if ( ! is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) {

        if ( isset( $_GET['custom_taxonomy'] ) ) {

            $query->set( 'tax_query', array(


                    'taxonomy' => 'custom_taxonomy',

                    'field' => 'slug',

                    'terms' => $_GET['custom_taxonomy'],


            ) );




add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'custom_product_filtering' );

  • Design User Interface: Design a user-friendly interface for displaying filtering options to customers. This may include dropdown menus, checkboxes, sliders, or other interactive elements for selecting filter criteria. You can implement this interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within your theme templates.

<!-- Example of HTML markup for filter options -->

<select name="custom_taxonomy">

    <option value="">Select Option</option>

    <option value="option1">Option 1</option>

    <option value="option2">Option 2</option>

    <!-- Add more options as needed -->


  • Integrate with WooCommerce Templates: Integrate your custom filtering functionality into WooCommerce templates such as the shop page, product category pages, and search results page. This may require modifying template files within your theme or creating custom templates to display filtered results.

// Example of modifying the WooCommerce shop page to display filtered results

if ( ! function_exists( 'woocommerce_product_loop_start' ) ) {

    function woocommerce_product_loop_start() {

        echo '<ul class="products">';



  • Test and Debug: Test your custom filter implementation thoroughly on different devices, browsers, and scenarios to ensure that it works as expected. Debug any issues that arise and make necessary adjustments to improve performance and usability.

 You can easily create a unique filtering solution for your WooCommerce store that meets your specific business needs and enhances your customers' shopping experience also to ease your work you can also use the custom post type plugins and by following these steps and leveraging custom coding techniques.

    Benefits of Custom Coding for WooCommerce Product Filters:

    • Tailored Solution: Custom coding allows you to implement filtering functionalities that are specifically tailored to your ecommerce store's unique requirements, providing a personalized browsing experience for your customers.
    • Scalability: Custom solutions can scale with your ecommerce business as it grows and evolves, accommodating changes in your product catalog, customer preferences, and business objectives over time.
    • Complete Control: Custom coding gives you full control over every aspect of your filtering functionality, allowing you to implement intricate filtering logic, customize the user interface, and integrate seamlessly with other features of your ecommerce store.
    • Optimized Performance: By building custom filtering functionality optimized for your specific requirements, you can ensure optimal performance and efficiency, minimizing load times and enhancing the overall user experience.
    • Unique Brand Identity: Custom filters enable you to differentiate your ecommerce store from competitors by offering unique and innovative filtering options that reflect your brand identity and resonate with your target audience.
    • Adaptability: Custom coding allows you to adapt quickly to changing market trends, customer preferences, and technological advancements, ensuring that your filtering functionality remains relevant and effective in a dynamic ecommerce landscape.

    While custom coding requires more time, resources, and technical expertise compared to using pre-built themes or plugins, the benefits of a tailored filtering solution can outweigh the initial investment, especially for ecommerce stores with complex requirements or a strong emphasis on branding and user experience.


    In conclusion, enhancing your ecommerce store with WooCommerce product filters is a surefire way to improve the shopping experience for your customers and boost sales. We've explored the functionality of product filters, highlighting their ability to streamline navigation and help shoppers find exactly what they're looking for. The benefits of implementing these filters are undeniable, from increased user satisfaction to better inventory management and insightful analytics.

    For those looking for a hassle-free solution without delving into coding or adding multiple plugins, WP Elemento offers a range of premium ecommerce themes with built-in WooCommerce product filters. These WordPress Elementor themes, optimized for Elementor, provide seamless integration and customization options to suit various industries and preferences. Whether you're in the market for a Shoes Store WordPress Theme, RC Drone WordPress Theme, Fashion Shop WordPress Theme, also the all in one package of the WordPress theme bundle or Fast Food Delivery WordPress Theme, WP Elemento has you covered. Elevate your ecommerce store with user-friendly product filters and watch your business thrive.


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