How To Resolve 500 Internal Server Error In WordPress Website

Picture this: you're eagerly working on your WordPress website, making updates or creating engaging content, and suddenly, out of nowhere, you encounter the dreaded 500 Internal Server Error. Panic sets in as you realize your website is inaccessible to both you and your visitors. Fret not, for you're not alone in this predicament.

In web development, encountering WordPress errors is not uncommon, and the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress is one of the most enigmatic and perplexing issues users may face. But fear not, as we're here to guide you through the labyrinth of error resolution and get your website back on track. In this blog, we will see 500 Internal Server Error, demystifying its causes and providing you with practical solutions to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

Whether you're a WordPress user or a novice developer navigating the vast digital landscape, this blog aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to overcome the challenges posed by this notorious error. Let's embark on this journey together and unravel the mystery behind the 500 Internal Server Error in your WordPress website.

What Exactly Is A 500 Internal Server Error In WordPress?

The 500 Internal Server Error is a cryptic and often frustrating issue encountered by WordPress users, causing their websites to become inaccessible. To truly understand this error, we must first dissect its nature and implications. At its core, the 500 Internal Server Error is an HTTP status code indicating that something has gone awry on the server's end while attempting to fulfill a request. Unlike more specific errors like the 404 Not Found, which signifies a missing resource, the 500 error is a generic catch-all that doesn't provide much insight into the underlying issue.

It's akin to receiving a vague error message without any clear indication of what went wrong. In the context of WordPress, this error manifests when the server encounters an unexpected condition that prevents it from fulfilling the request made by the user's browser. This could be due to a multitude of reasons, ranging from misconfigured server settings to conflicts within the WordPress environment itself.

Root Causes Of The 500 Internal Server Error:

Unraveling the root causes of the 500 Internal Server Error requires a meticulous examination of various components within the WordPress ecosystem. Let's delve into some of the common culprits behind this elusive error:
    • Plugin or Theme Conflicts: One of the primary causes of the 500 error is conflicts stemming from plugins or themes installed on your WordPress site. Plugins and themes may not always play nicely together, especially if they have conflicting code or incompatible versions. A recent update or installation of a new plugin/theme could trigger this error if it introduces conflicts with existing components.
    • Corrupted .htaccess File: The .htaccess file serves as a configuration file for the Apache web server, governing various aspects of website functionality and security. A corrupted .htaccess file can wreak havoc on your WordPress site, leading to the dreaded 500 error. This corruption may occur due to improper edits, failed plugin installations, or server misconfigurations.
    • Exhausted PHP Memory Limit: PHP, the server-side scripting language powering WordPress, imposes memory limits to prevent scripts from consuming excessive resources. If your WordPress site exceeds the allocated PHP memory limit, it can trigger the 500 Internal Server Error. This often occurs when running resource-intensive plugins or themes that require more memory than allocated. for more information on memory exhaust error you can also visit our blog on "Memory Size Exhausted Error"
    • Server-side Issues: Sometimes, the root cause of the 500 error lies beyond the realm of WordPress itself, residing within the server environment. Server misconfigurations, overloaded servers, or issues with server permissions can all contribute to this error. These issues may require intervention from your web hosting provider or server administrator to rectify.
    • Database Problems: The WordPress database is the backbone of your website, storing crucial information such as posts, pages, and user data. Database corruption, table crashes, or excessive database queries can lead to the 500 error. This often requires database optimization, repair, or restoration from backups to resolve.
    • File Permission Issues: File permissions dictate who can read, write, or execute files on your server. Incorrect file permissions, such as overly restrictive or permissive settings, can interfere with WordPress's ability to function properly, resulting in the 500 error. Ensuring appropriate file permissions is essential for maintaining the integrity and security of your WordPress site.
    • Server Resource Limitations: In shared hosting environments, where multiple websites share resources on the same server, resource limitations can exacerbate the occurrence of the 500 error. If your website exceeds its allocated resources, such as CPU usage or disk space, the server may throttle your site or trigger the error to prevent resource contention.
    • PHP Syntax Errors: Syntax errors in PHP code can disrupt the execution of WordPress scripts, leading to the 500 Internal Server Error. These errors may occur due to typos, missing semicolons, or improper use of PHP functions within your theme files, plugins, or custom code snippets.
    • Server Software Updates: Updates to server software, such as Apache, PHP, or MySQL, can inadvertently introduce compatibility issues with your WordPress site, triggering the 500 error. It's essential to stay vigilant and test your site thoroughly after server software updates to identify and address any compatibility issues promptly.
    • Excessive Redirects: Redirect loops or misconfigured redirection rules can result in a cascade of HTTP requests, overwhelming the server and triggering the 500 error. This often occurs when implementing complex redirection logic or when conflicting redirection rules clash with each other. To ease out your process you can use WordPress Redirect Plugins to make your process of creating redirects more easily.

By meticulously diagnosing and addressing the root causes outlined above, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve this elusive error, restoring your WordPress site to its former glory. Remember, patience and persistence are key when navigating the labyrinth of error resolution in the ever-evolving landscape of web development.

Impact Of 500 Internal Server Error In WordPress Website

The impact of a 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress site is multifaceted, affecting various aspects of its functionality, user experience, and even search engine rankings. Understanding these implications is crucial for promptly addressing the issue and mitigating any negative consequences.
  • Website Accessibility: The most immediate and apparent impact of the 500 error is that it renders your website temporarily inaccessible. Visitors attempting to access your site are met with an error page instead of the expected content. This not only frustrates users but can also lead to a loss of credibility and trust, especially if the error persists over an extended period.
  • User Experience: A seamless and positive user experience is paramount for retaining visitors and encouraging engagement. The 500 error disrupts this experience, potentially driving users away and diminishing their perception of your website. If users repeatedly encounter errors, they may be less inclined to return in the future.
  • SEO Impact: Search engines, such as Google, prioritize user experience when determining search rankings. If your site consistently delivers a poor user experience due to frequent 500 errors, search engines may penalize your site, leading to a decline in search rankings. This can have a cascading effect on organic traffic and overall visibility.
  • Brand Reputation: A website that frequently experiences errors, including the 500 Internal Server Error, can harm your brand's reputation. Users may associate your brand with unreliability, leading to a loss of trust. Maintaining a positive online reputation is crucial in today's digital landscape, and resolving errors promptly is a key component of this effort.
  • Conversion Rates: If your WordPress site serves as an e-commerce platform or generates revenue through other means, the 500 error can significantly impact conversion rates. Users encountering errors during the checkout process or while accessing critical content may abandon their transactions, leading to lost revenue opportunities.
  • Customer Trust: Trust is the foundation of any successful online presence. Frequent or prolonged 500 errors erode the trust users have in your website. For businesses and organizations, trust is especially crucial, as users need assurance that their sensitive information is handled securely and that the website is reliable.
  • Time and Resources: Resolving the 500 error often requires time and resources, diverting attention away from other essential tasks. Whether you're troubleshooting the issue yourself or seeking assistance from web developers or hosting support, the resolution process can be time-consuming and may disrupt your regular workflow.
  • Bounce Rates: A high bounce rate where visitors leave your site shortly after arriving can be a direct consequence of the 500 error. Users encountering an error page are likely to bounce quickly, contributing to an unfavorable bounce rate. High bounce rates can signal search engines that your site may not be providing the expected value to users.
  • Impact on User Engagement: Beyond initial accessibility issues, the 500 error can impact various interactive elements on your site. Features such as comments, forms, or interactive plugins may fail to function correctly, hindering user engagement, user experience and interaction.
  • Technical and Support Overhead: Addressing the root causes of the 500 error often involves delving into technical aspects of your WordPress site, server configuration, and third-party plugins or themes. This may require technical expertise and collaboration with support teams, adding an overhead in terms of time and resources.

Overall, the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress goes beyond being a mere inconvenience it has far-reaching implications that touch upon accessibility, user experience, SEO, brand reputation, and even revenue generation. Proactive monitoring, timely troubleshooting, and regular maintenance are essential for mitigating the impact of this error and ensuring a smooth and reliable online experience for your visitors.

How To Resolve 500 Internal Server Error In WordPress

Resolving the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress can be a daunting task, but with a systematic approach and the right tools, you can effectively troubleshoot and fix the issue. Below, I'll outline a detailed step-by-step guide to help you resolve this error and get your WordPress website back up and running smoothly.

Step 1: Check For Corrupted .htaccess File

The .htaccess file is a crucial configuration file for WordPress, governing various aspects of your site's functionality, including permalinks, redirects, and security settings. When this file becomes corrupted, it can result in the 500 Internal Server Error. Here's a more detailed breakdown of each sub-step:
  • Access Your Website's Files: Use an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client like FileZilla or access your web hosting control panel. This step allows you to connect to your web server and navigate through the file structure of your WordPress website.
  • Locate the .htaccess File: Once connected to your server, navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation. The .htaccess file is typically located here. Ensure that your FTP client or file manager is configured to display hidden files, as the .htaccess file might be hidden by default.
  • Rename the .htaccess File: Right-click on the .htaccess file, select the "Rename" option, and append a recognizable identifier, such as "_old" to the filename (e.g., .htaccess_old). By doing this, you create a backup of the original .htaccess file, allowing you to revert to it if needed.
  • Attempt to Access Your Website: After renaming the .htaccess file, open a web browser and try accessing your WordPress website. If the 500 Internal Server Error persists, it suggests that the issue may not be solely related to the .htaccess file. You can proceed with further troubleshooting. However, if the error is resolved, you've successfully identified a corrupted .htaccess file as the likely cause.
  • Generate a New .htaccess File: In the WordPress dashboard, navigate to "Settings" and select "Permalinks." Without making any changes to the permalink structure, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Save Changes" button. This action prompts WordPress to regenerate the .htaccess file with default settings based on your chosen permalink structure.

Additional Considerations:

  • Server Configuration: If your website is hosted on a server using Nginx instead of Apache, it may not utilize an .htaccess file. In such cases, it's important to review the server configuration for potential issues and address them accordingly.
  • Root Cause Analysis: While resolving the immediate issue, it's crucial to investigate the root cause that led to the .htaccess file's corruption. Consider recent changes, updates, or installations on your website that might have triggered the error.
  • Regular Backups: As a best practice, regularly backup your .htaccess file and other critical website files. This ensures that you have a recent and clean copy available for restoration in case of unexpected issues. Do regular backups with the Best WordPress Clone Plugins to make your process a lot more easier.

By carefully following these steps, you can methodically diagnose and resolve the 500 Internal Server Error related to a corrupted .htaccess file. This process contributes to maintaining the stability and proper functioning of your WordPress site by ensuring a clean and well-configured .htaccess file.

Step 2: Investigate Plugin And Theme Conflicts

Given that plugins and themes play a pivotal role in shaping your WordPress site's functionality, conflicts between them can be a prime culprit behind the 500 Internal Server Error. Unraveling these conflicts requires a systematic approach:
  • Accessing Your Site in Recovery Mode: Activate WordPress Recovery Mode by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:

define('WP_DEBUG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false); @ini_set('display_errors', 0); This allows you to identify the problematic plugin or theme without disrupting the site for visitors.

  • Deactivate All Plugins: Temporarily deactivate all WordPress plugins on your site. Observe whether the 500 error persists after each deactivation. This step helps isolate the conflicting plugin.
  • Reactivate Plugins One by One: Activate your plugins one by one and check your website after each activation. If the error reoccurs, the last activated plugin is likely the culprit. Investigate and update or replace that particular plugin.
  • Check Themes: If deactivating plugins doesn't resolve the issue, turn your attention to themes. Activate a default WordPress Elementor themes (e.g., Twenty Twenty-One) to rule out theme-related conflicts. If the error disappears, consider updating your theme or seeking assistance from the theme developer.

By systematically addressing potential conflicts within plugins and themes, you can identify the root cause of the 500 error and take targeted corrective actions. Should this step not yield a solution, there are further measures to explore in the pursuit of resolving this elusive error.

Step 3: Addressing PHP Memory Limit Exhaustion

Exceeding the allocated PHP memory limit is a common trigger for the 500 Internal Server Error. Here are the steps you need to take to resolve this issue:
  • Access the wp-config.php File: Locate the wp-config.php file in your WordPress root directory using your FTP client or hosting control panel.
  • Edit the wp-config.php File: Open the wp-config.php file for editing and add the following line of code just before the "That's all, stop editing!" comment:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M'); Adjust the memory limit value based on your specific requirements or server capabilities.
  • Save Changes and Test: Save the changes made to the wp-config.php file and attempt to access your website. Check if the 500 error persists. This adjustment increases the PHP memory limit, providing your site with more resources to operate effectively.

If memory limit exhaustion is the root cause, this step can often alleviate the issue. However, if the error endures, it's crucial to explore additional avenues for resolution.

Step 4: Investigate Server-Side Issues

Server misconfigurations and limitations can contribute to the 500 Internal Server Error. To address server-related issues, consider the following steps:
  • Check Server Logs: Access your server logs, either through your hosting control panel or by contacting your hosting provider. Server logs can offer valuable insights into any issues that might be affecting your website's performance.
  • Contact Hosting Support: If you're unable to identify and resolve server-related issues on your own, don't hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider's support team. They have the expertise to diagnose and rectify server misconfigurations or limitations that could be causing the 500 error. if your website is build on Elementor Website Builder then you should approach to the Elementor Hosting provider.
  • Review Server Resource Usage: Evaluate your server's resource usage, including CPU, memory, and disk space. Excessive resource consumption could be a contributing factor to the 500 error. Optimize your website, and if necessary, consider upgrading your hosting plan for additional resources.

Addressing server-side issues may require collaboration with your hosting provider, as they have the necessary access and permissions to implement changes at the server level. By resolving any server-related concerns, you pave the way for a smoother functioning WordPress site.

Step 5: Tackling Database Problems

The WordPress database, a critical repository of your site's content, can encounter issues leading to the 500 error. To address database problems, follow these steps:
    • Backup Your Database: Before making any changes to the database, create a backup. This ensures that you can restore your data in case anything goes awry during the troubleshooting process.
    • Check Database Tables: Use a tool like phpMyAdmin to check the integrity of your database tables. If you identify any corrupted tables, repair them using the built-in repair function.
    • Optimize Your Database: Optimize your database by removing unnecessary data, such as post revisions and spam comments. Consider using plugins like WP-Optimize to streamline this process.
    • Increase Database Cache: If your site experiences a surge in traffic, a lack of database caching can contribute to the 500 error. Implement a caching solution, such as the one provided by plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache, to enhance database performance. For more insights to the database problems you can also visit our blog on "How to Fix Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress"

By following the steps outlined above, you can systematically diagnose the root cause of the error and implement appropriate solutions to get your website back online. Remember to back up your website before making any significant changes, and don't hesitate to seek assistance from your web hosting provider or WordPress community if needed. With persistence and diligence, you can overcome the challenges posed by this elusive error and ensure the continued smooth operation of your WordPress site.


In conclusion, navigating the treacherous waters of the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress can be a daunting task, but armed with the knowledge gained from understanding its causes and impacts, as well as the effective troubleshooting methods discussed, you're better equipped to steer your website back to smoother sailing.

By diligently checking for corrupted .htaccess files, scrutinizing plugin and theme conflicts, and addressing server-side issues, you can successfully overcome this frustrating hurdle. Remember, patience and persistence are key as you unravel the complexities of error resolution. To stay away from the Theme conflict issues you should always purchase themes for your website from trusted platforms. WP Elemento is Offering 15% discount on Premium themes and WordPress Theme Bundle with the ongoing Summer Sale.

With determination and a systematic approach, you can restore your WordPress website to its full functionality and ensure a seamless experience for both you and your visitors. So, fear not the 500 error, for with the right tools and techniques at your disposal, you're well on your way to conquering it and maintaining a stable and thriving WordPress website.


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