How To Quickly Resolve The 404 Error In WordPress Website

Is there anything more frustrating than clicking a link on your WordPress website, only to be greeted by the dreaded 404 error page? It's a common issue that can leave both site owners and visitors scratching their heads. The good news is that resolving the 404 error doesn't have to be a daunting task. In this blog, we'll walk you through the ins and outs of quickly and efficiently tackling this pesky problem, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for your audience.

Whether you're a WordPress developer or just getting started with your website, understanding the root causes of 404 errors is crucial. From broken links to misconfigured permalinks, our comprehensive approach will cover all aspects of the issue. We'll delve into the troubleshooting process, providing step-by-step instructions to identify and address the specific issues causing the 404 errors on your site which is the most common WordPress errors that occurs on your website.

Don't let the frustration of broken links hinder your WordPress website's performance. Let’s explore effective strategies and tools to navigate the intricate web of 404 errors, bringing your site back to smooth functionality in no time.

What Exactly Is A 404 Error In WordPress Website?

A 404 error occurs when a user attempts to access a specific URL on a WordPress website, but the server fails to locate the corresponding content. The number 404 is the HTTP status code assigned to this error, indicating that the server understands the client's request, but the requested page could not be found. In essence, it's like encountering a dead end while navigating through the digital landscape.

The typical manifestation of a 404 error is the display of a standard error page, often with a message like "404 - Not Found" or a similar message, depending on the website's design. This page serves as a user-friendly way to communicate that the requested content is unavailable, preventing users from being confronted with a cryptic server error.

How Does 404 Error Affect Your Site?

Encountering a 404 error on your WordPress website can have several adverse effects, impacting both the user experience and the overall performance of your site. Understanding how a 404 error affects your website is crucial for website owners and administrators to address the issue promptly and maintain a positive online presence.
  • User Frustration and Abandonment: When visitors encounter a 404 error, it creates a frustrating experience. Users expect a seamless browsing journey, and encountering a dead-end can lead to dissatisfaction. Frustrated visitors are more likely to abandon your site, potentially seeking information or services elsewhere. This, in turn, can result in a higher bounce rate, negatively affecting your site's engagement metrics.
  • Negative Impact on SEO: A consistent presence of 404 WordPress errors can harm your website's search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines aim to provide users with relevant and accurate information. If search engine crawlers encounter numerous 404 errors, it may negatively impact your site's rankings. Search engines interpret these errors as a sign of poor user experience and may reduce the visibility of your pages in search results.
  • Loss of Credibility and Trust: Users associate a well-maintained website with credibility and professionalism. A website riddled with 404 errors suggests neglect and can erode the trust users place in your brand or content. Visitors may question the reliability of your site, and this skepticism could extend to the information or products you provide. Consistently addressing 404 errors is essential for maintaining a trustworthy online presence.
  • Diminished User Retention: Repeat visitors are the lifeblood of a successful website. However, encountering persistent 404 errors can deter users from returning. If users repeatedly encounter broken links or missing pages, they may lose confidence in your site's reliability, leading to a decline in user retention rates. Regularly monitoring and resolving 404 errors is essential for retaining a loyal audience.
  • Impact on Conversions: For websites with e-commerce functionality or conversion-focused goals, 404 errors can directly impact the conversion rate. If users encounter errors while attempting to complete a purchase or submit information, it creates a barrier to conversions. Addressing and resolving 404 errors in critical user journey paths is vital to maintaining a smooth conversion process and ensuring a positive user experience.
  • Negative Brand Image: The online presence of your brand is closely tied to the performance of your website. Persistent 404 errors contribute to a negative brand image, signaling to users that your website may not be adequately maintained or updated. A strong brand image relies on a seamless and error-free online experience, making it imperative to address and resolve 404 errors promptly.
  • Impact on Ad Revenue: For websites relying on advertising revenue, 404 errors can disrupt the user experience and diminish the effectiveness of ad placements. If users encounter errors when clicking on ad links or navigating through sponsored content, it can lead to wasted ad impressions and decreased revenue. Consistently optimizing and maintaining your site helps ensure a stable platform for advertising efforts.
  • Reduced Page Authority: Search engines assign authority to web pages based on factors like content quality, relevance, and user experience. The presence of 404 errors can dilute the overall authority of your website, particularly if these errors affect important pages. As page authority diminishes, the ability of your site to rank well in search engine results may also be compromised.

Overall, a 404 error within a WordPress website transcends a simple technical hiccup; its implications extend to user contentment, SEO efficacy, brand perception, and the overall triumph of the website. Comprehending the underlying causes of the 404 error in WordPress is imperative for its resolution, given its potential to impact various facets crucial to the website's overall success.

Root Causes Of 404 Error In WordPress Website

As we know, a 404 error on a WordPress website can be a frustrating experience for both site owners and visitors. Understanding the root causes behind this common issue is crucial for effective troubleshooting and ensuring a seamless user experience. Let's delve into the various factors that contribute to the occurrence of 404 errors in WordPress websites.
  • Broken or Deleted Links: Broken or deleted links are a primary culprit for 404 errors. If a hyperlink on your website points to a page that no longer exists or has been removed, users clicking on that link will encounter a 404 error. This often happens when content is deleted or when permalinks are changed without proper redirection. Regularly auditing and updating your links can help prevent this issue, ensuring that visitors are directed to the correct and existing pages.
  • Misconfigured Permalinks: Permalinks are the permanent URLs assigned to your WordPress posts and pages. Misconfigured permalinks can lead to 404 errors, disrupting the structure of your website's URLs. This can occur if the permalink settings are incorrect or if there are changes made without updating the links. Ensuring that your permalink structure is correctly set up in the WordPress dashboard is essential to prevent 404 errors and maintain a user-friendly navigation experience.
  • Changes in URL Structure: Altering the URL structure of your WordPress site can result in 404 errors, especially if proper redirects are not implemented. This often happens during website migrations, redesigns, or content restructuring. If users attempt to access pages with the old URL structure, they may encounter a 404 error if redirects are not in place. Carefully plan and execute changes in URL structure, and always set up redirects to guide users to the new URLs.
  • Corrupted .htaccess File: The .htaccess file is a critical configuration file that directs how your server handles certain requests. A corrupted or incorrectly configured .htaccess file can lead to 404 errors, disrupting the proper functioning of your website. This issue may arise during plugin installations or updates. Regularly check and maintain the integrity of your .htaccess file to prevent disruptions and ensure smooth navigation for your visitors.
  • Issues with the WordPress Theme: The theme you choose for your WordPress website contributes to its overall design and functionality. However, issues with the WordPress Elementor themes, such as compatibility problems or errors in theme updates, can lead to 404 errors. If a theme is not correctly applied or conflicts with other elements of your site, users may experience difficulties accessing certain pages. Ensure that your theme is up-to-date and compatible with your WordPress version to avoid such issues.
  • Plugin Conflicts: Plugins enhance the features and capabilities of your WordPress website, but conflicts between them can result in 404 errors. Poorly coded or outdated plugins, as well as compatibility issues with the current WordPress version, may disrupt page access. Regularly update your plugins and deactivate any that are unnecessary or causing conflicts. This proactive approach can help maintain a smooth user experience and prevent 404 errors associated with plugin conflicts.
  • Server Configuration Issues: Server misconfigurations can be a significant root cause of 404 errors. Issues with file permissions, server settings, or limitations imposed by the hosting provider can lead to disruptions in content access. Collaborate with your hosting provider to ensure that server configurations are optimized for your WordPress site. Regularly monitor server logs for any signs of misconfigurations that could result in 404 errors.
  • Search Engine Indexing Problems: Search engines index the content of your website to provide relevant results to users. If a page is indexed by search engines and later deleted or moved without proper redirection, users clicking on search results may encounter a 404 error. This can negatively impact both user experience and SEO. Regularly update your sitemap, use tools like Google Search Console to manage your site's indexing, and implement redirects when necessary to avoid 404 errors caused by search engine indexing issues.

Identifying the specific cause on your website can be challenging, but by systematically examining each potential issue, you can uncover the root cause and take the necessary steps to resolve it. These are various factors that cause 404 errors in a WordPress website, but finding the exact problem on your site can be challenging. Let's investigate to identify the specific cause of the 404 error on your WordPress website.

How To Check What Exactly The Cause Is And Resolve It?

Identifying and resolving the root cause of a 404 error on your WordPress website is crucial for maintaining a seamless user experience and ensuring that visitors can access the content they're looking for. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various methods to pinpoint the specific issue causing 404 errors and provide step-by-step instructions on how to resolve each potential root cause.

1. Check For Broken Or Deleted Links:

Broken or deleted links are a common cause of frustration for users encountering 404 errors on a website. Addressing this issue requires a systematic approach to both identify and rectify the problematic links.


  • Conduct a Thorough Link Audit: Start by utilizing online tools or plugins designed for conducting comprehensive link audits. Tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, or broken link checker plugins for WordPress can help identify broken or dead links across your website.
  • Manual Review of Website Content: In addition to using automated tools, perform a manual review of your website's content. Inspect each page, post, and menu item to identify hyperlinks that may be broken or pointing to non-existent pages. Both internal and external links should be taken into consideration.
  • Update or Fix Broken Links: Once broken links are identified, take immediate action to update or fix them. This involves editing the content where these broken links are located. Replace outdated or incorrect URLs with the correct ones to ensure a smooth user experience.
  • Use Redirection Plugin for Permanent Changes: In cases where pages have been deleted or URLs have been permanently changed, use a WordPress redirect plugins. Implement 301 redirects, which inform search engines that the content has moved permanently. This also guides users seamlessly to the correct destination, minimizing the impact of the 404 errors.
  • Regular Link Audits: Establish a routine for regular link audits to maintain the ongoing health of your website's links. Set a schedule to use link-checking tools or plugins periodically. This proactive approach helps catch broken links before they negatively impact the user experience.

Addressing broken or deleted links is fundamental to providing users with a seamless browsing experience, preventing 404 errors, and maintaining the overall health of your website.

2. Verify Permalink Settings:

Misconfigured permalinks can contribute to 404 errors on your WordPress site. Checking and correcting permalink settings is essential for resolving this issue.


  • Access Permalink Settings: Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Settings > Permalinks. This section displays the current permalink structure applied to your website.
  • Review Permalink Structure: Ensure that the chosen permalink structure accurately reflects the content hierarchy of your site. There are three types of structures often used: "Post name," "Month and name," and "Numeric”.
  • Update Permalink Structure: If necessary, update the permalink structure to align with the content organization of your website. Select a structure that is both user-friendly and SEO-friendly.
  • Save Permalink Settings: After making changes, be sure to save the permalink settings. This action refreshes the URL structure across your site.
  • Redirect Old URLs: In cases where permalink changes result in 404 errors for old URLs, use a redirection plugin to set up 301 redirects. By doing this, you ensure that the correct URLs are displayed to users and search engines.

Verifying and adjusting permalink settings is a fundamental step in preventing and resolving 404 errors associated with misconfigured URLs.

3. Examine Changes In URL Structure:

Changes in the URL structure of your website, especially without proper redirects, can lead to 404 errors or can lead to too many redirects error. Careful examination and strategic resolution are crucial in these situations.


  • Review Recent Changes: Investigate recent changes to your website, particularly those related to URL restructuring or migrations. These changes could include modifications to category slugs or changes in post or page URLs.
  • Check for Discrepancies: Examine the old and new URL structures to identify any discrepancies. Ensure that proper redirects are in place for any alterations made.
  • Implement 301 Redirects: If URL changes have occurred, implement 301 redirects for old URLs. This is essential for guiding users and search engines to the updated locations of your content.
  • Utilize SEO Tools: Tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider can be invaluable in crawling your site and identifying broken or redirected URLs. This aids in ensuring that every URL transition is seamless.

Examination and resolution of changes in URL structure are critical for maintaining a cohesive website structure and avoiding 404 errors resulting from outdated or inaccessible URLs.

4. Inspect The .htaccess File:

The .htaccess file, a critical configuration file for Apache web servers, may be a source of 404 errors if corrupted or misconfigured. A careful inspection and necessary adjustments can resolve this issue.


  • Locate the .htaccess File: Access your website's root directory via FTP or cPanel to locate the .htaccess file. This file is often hidden, so ensure that your file manager is configured to display hidden files.
  • Verify Configuration: Open the .htaccess file and verify that the code is correctly configured. Look for any syntax errors or anomalies.
  • Create a Backup: Before making any changes to the .htaccess file, create a backup. This precaution ensures that you can revert to the previous state in case of any issues.
  • Regenerate .htaccess File: If you suspect issues with the existing .htaccess file, try regenerating it. Navigate to Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress dashboard and save the permalink settings. This action often automatically regenerates the .htaccess file.

A thorough examination of the .htaccess file, along with appropriate backups and regenerations, is essential for resolving 404 errors linked to server configuration.

5. Address Issues With The WordPress Theme:

Incompatibility or conflicts within your WordPress theme can lead to 404 errors. Identifying and resolving theme-related issues involves a systematic approach.


  • Switch to Default Theme: Temporarily change WordPress theme and switch to default, such as Twenty Twenty-One. Observe whether the 404 error persists.
  • Review Theme Documentation: Consult the documentation provided by your theme's developer. Check for any known compatibility issues or recommended updates.
  • Contact Theme Developer: If the 404 error disappears with a default theme, contact the developer of your theme. Inquire about theme updates or potential solutions for compatibility issues.
  • Update Theme: Regularly check for theme updates and apply them. Updating your theme ensures that it remains compatible with the latest WordPress version and minimizes the risk of conflicts.

Addressing issues with the WordPress theme is crucial for maintaining a cohesive design and resolving 404 errors resulting from theme-related conflicts.

6. Resolve Plugin Conflicts:

Conflicts between plugins can be a common source of 404 errors. Identifying and resolving plugin-related issues involves a systematic process.


  • Deactivate All Plugins: Deactivate all plugins and check if the 404 error persists. This step helps identify whether the issue is related to a specific plugin.
  • Gradual Reactivation: Gradually reactivate each plugin one by one, checking for the 404 error after each activation. This helps pinpoint the specific plugin causing the conflict.
  • Identify Problematic Plugin: Identify the specific plugin causing the conflict. Please check for updates or contact the plugin developer if you need assistance.
  • Consider Alternatives: If conflicts persist, consider alternative plugins with similar functionalities. Ensure that the selected plugins are compatible with your WordPress version.
  • Regular Plugin Updates: Regularly update plugins to their latest versions. Plugin updates often include bug fixes and improvements that address compatibility issues.

Resolving plugin conflicts is crucial for preventing 404 errors and ensuring that your website's functionality remains intact.

7. Address Server Configuration Issues:

Server misconfigurations may contribute to 403 forbidden errors. Collaborating with your hosting provider to identify and resolve server-related problems is essential. 


  • Contact Hosting Provider: Reach out to your hosting provider to inquire about potential server-related issues. This may include problems with file permissions, server settings, or limitations imposed by the hosting environment.
  • Collaborate with Hosting Provider: Collaborate with your hosting provider to rectify any identified server issues. Ensure that file permissions are correctly configured to allow the server to access necessary files and directories.

Collaborating with your hosting provider to address server configuration issues is essential for preventing 404 errors and optimizing website performance.

8. Manage Search Engine Indexing:

Issues related to search engine indexing can result in users encountering 404 errors. Identifying and resolving these issues ensures proper visibility on search engine result pages.


  • Use Search Console Tools: Utilize tools like Google Search Console to identify crawl errors and indexing issues. Review the 'Coverage' report to pinpoint specific URLs encountering problems.
  • Review Sitemap: Check your website's sitemap to ensure it accurately reflects the current structure and content. A well-maintained sitemap aids search engines in understanding your website's organization.
  • Update Sitemap: Regularly update your website's sitemap to reflect changes in content or structure. Submit the updated sitemap to search engines for reindexing.
  • Set Up 301 Redirects: Implement 301 redirects for any pages that have been permanently moved or deleted. This guides search engines to the correct locations and prevents users from encountering 404 errors.

Addressing search engine indexing issues is essential for maintaining your website's visibility on search engine result pages and preventing 404 errors for users arriving from search queries. These steps provide a comprehensive guide to identifying and resolving the root causes of 404 errors on your WordPress website.

Keep in mind that a proactive approach, including regular maintenance, link audits, and software updates, is essential for preventing 404 errors and maintaining optimal website performance. By following these steps, you can ensure a seamless browsing experience for your visitors and mitigate the frustration associated with encountering 404 errors on your WordPress site.


In conclusion, understanding and promptly addressing the 404 errors in your WordPress website are vital for maintaining a seamless user experience. We've explored the intricacies of what a 404 error is, delved into its potential impacts on your site, and comprehensively examined the root causes behind this common issue.

With a systematic approach, we've outlined how to identify the specific causes of 404 errors and provided actionable steps to swiftly resolve them. Whether it's broken links, misconfigured permalinks, or server-related issues, taking proactive measures, such as regular link audits and collaboration with Elementor hosting providers, ensures your website remains error-free and accessible.

By implementing these strategies, you empower yourself to navigate and resolve 404 errors efficiently, contributing to an optimal and frustration-free browsing experience for your visitors.


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